JH process coffee
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Coffee processing is the part of farming that separates the coffee cherry’s fruit and skin from its beans. Besides getting the coffee beans one step closer to being the roasted version that we are familiar with, it also affects the flavors that will be imparted to the coffee beans, more commonly known as ‘processing flavors’.

Every producing origin has their own preferred versions of coffee processing that is largely dependent on
-available natural resources
-amount of land space
-technology, equipment, and funds
-farmers and producers experience/knowledge and
-market preferences.

JH process is short for Jekyll & Hyde process. Jekyll & Hyde means the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ side of a person, or in this case, coffee processing. Whenever we dabble with Mother Nature and try to use science to achieve a certain result, we never know if it will turn out well or terribly; much like the duality of humans, affected by situations and their living environment.

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As the brainchild of @jakehu1112 of @tasterscoffee , this project spent years in the lab and in the minds of its creator and his team before starting actual testing on the field by @erikliao95 of @triupcoffee with all his incredible origin partners from Ethiopia, Bolivia, Kenya, Ecuador, and more. In the last year, besides buying and roasting JH process coffees, we are extremely honored to be a part of this project by taking charge of the JH Liberica processing here in Malaysia.

The JH process uses bacteria and yeast isolated from coffee materials then added back during processing to elevate and highlight terroir and varietal traits of coffee. But more than that, it is the work of dedicated and passionate coffee people that aim to increase coffee’s quality by working tirelessly on the ground and believing in the potential that each origin and variety can offer the world of coffee.

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We are an international team and we hope with the rise in popularity of JH process coffees, the JH name will always be synonymous with high quality and with hope.

As the perfect ending to a busy year, we are proud to present you with the JH process Terroir Discovery Set (TDS)

Available online and in-store.


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